When life isn’t going well, we might wonder what there is to be grateful for. Take a look at this list; you may soon feel otherwise.
“Dayenu” – Counting Blessings
Even though life may seem tough, sometimes even too tough to handle, we can always count blessings. There is a Jewish song that we sing during Passover, called “Dayenu,” or “It Would Have Been Enough.” This teaches us to be grateful for each and every good thing from which we derive benefit. The song specifically references the actions that G-d performed at the time of Moses, but the principle remains to this day.
Take a moment to think about some of the things that you may take for granted, things you may not normally think about. Think of things both tangible and intangible. To acknowledge is the first step in finding gratitude.
Physical Needs
If we have a roof over our head, we can be grateful.
If we have food and drink on our table, we can be grateful.
If we have heat and electricity, we can be grateful.
If we have a safe haven to go where we can be free from harm, we can be grateful.
If we have the ability to take a deep breath without pain or effort, we can be grateful.
If we can walk with or without assistance, we can be grateful.
If we don’t have bodily malady, we can be grateful.
If we don’t suffer from mental issues, or if we do but benefit from appropriate treatment, we can be grateful.
If we can recognize those we love when we see them, we can be grateful.
If we have loved ones, either in our home with us or outside, we can be grateful.
If we have friends, we can be grateful.
If we have a pet who loves us unconditionally, we can be grateful.
If we have others who send us love from afar and think about us, we can be grateful.
If we have been allowed to take days off from work, we can be grateful.
If we have been able to take a leisurely stroll through a park, we can be grateful.
If we have been able to look up at night and observe the magnanimous starry world around our Earth, we can be grateful.
If we have seen life grow before our eyes, be it in the plants and flowers around us, or in babies that we bring into the world, we can be grateful.
If we have seen a particularly beautiful sunset or sunrise, we can be grateful.
If we have been afforded the opportunity to travel and see faraway lands, we can be grateful.
Our Senses
If we can physically view our surroundings, those we love, or anything of beauty using our own sense of sight, we can be grateful.
If we can hear the voices of our loved ones, or the sound of a melodious tune, we can be grateful.
If we can feel the softness of a pillow, or a cool breeze on our skin, we can be grateful.
If we can smell scents of delicious sweetness, or the smell of smoke or other danger as a warning, we can be grateful.
If we can taste savory meals and sweet desserts on our tongue, we can be grateful.
Material Pleasures
If we have even so much as one beautiful possession that makes us smile when we look at it, we can be grateful.
If we can eat a tasty meal that gives even an ounce of extra delight to our senses, we can be grateful.
If we have enough to meet our monetary needs, we can be grateful.
Did you answer yes to any of the above?

For all of us who have any of these, we can be grateful, whether we have just one or multiple. If you have even just one, consider yourself lucky, for you are better off than if you had none. For each and every additional one of these that you have, consider yourself even more blessed. There are lots more things besides these that I haven’t even mentioned; make your own list of things that you don’t want to take for granted.
I try to remind myself of these things quite often. Sometimes I’m reminded just by looking around my home; I’m fortunately lucky enough to have a home that is beautiful to me. There have also been times in my life when I have personally felt, or witnessed others feel, the effects of not having these particular blessings. It’s hard to see homeless people sitting on the sidewalk, with all their worldly belongings stuffed into a cart or suitcase. There are constant reports on the news about refugees fleeing war-torn countries, leaving behind everything to save their lives. I have known many family members and friends who have experienced bodily or mental weaknesses, from inability to walk, to dementia and Alzheimer’s, to asthma and vision issues, to depression. A couple years ago, I experienced episodes of hypoglycemia, high blood sugar spike, and inflammation of the chest wall, causing sharp pain every time I took a deep breath (I will never take for granted being able to breathe deeply again). When you are made aware of those things that can be lost, it makes you more likely to think more about those blessings you do have.
A Lens of Gratitude

We all go through difficult times in life. But there are also either hidden or overt blessings on this same path. If we take time to reflect on our lives and observe the good that we see every day; if we can refuse to take for granted the physical, mental, and emotional abilities that we exhibit; if we can look around us and realize that our very existence in this beautiful great wide world is a miracle, we can enjoy happiness. Look at your life through a lens of gratitude, and you’ll experience innate joy.
How has this year illuminated your life through a different lens? What joys have you learned to refocus on? Let me know in the comments section below!
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Cover image photo credit: IStockPhoto.com/natalie_board
You are so right, Diana! I have so much to be grateful for, and I know it and appreciate it. Your suggestion to try something new or to revive a past hobby will help folks deal with these depressing times. Thank you for your words of wisdom!
So the parents at home during COVID have definitely not had the same benefit of time to pick up hobbies. 😉 But I’ve been able to take more walks with Matt, both during the summer and as this school year started. Time together has been wonderful, even if it’s come at the cost of us both, or me solely while he’s bored, have done school online.