We seem to use technology and electronics constantly. Sometimes it’s necessary to put down the devices, unplug, and get back to basics. Read on for 8 great screen-free and electronics-free activities to stimulate the mind!
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Technology is literally everywhere; it’s embedded in our daily existence. The average American household has 11 smart devices and 7 devices with visual content, including TV’s, smartphones, tablets, computers, and the like. According to polls published by Independent and People in mid-2020, the average adult could potentially spend the equivalent of between 34 and 44 YEARS looking at a screen! It’s amazing how ubiquitous these informational and entertainment devices have become: any time we want to know the answer to a question, every time we are even slightly bored, we pull out the phone or the tablet.
Why Should We Put Down our Devices?
But all too often, we are just passively receiving info rather than actively engaging our minds and bodies. And as they say, “If you don’t use it, you lose it!” Staring at the blue light from a screen can negatively impact both your sleep and mood. High rates of screen time are also correlated with lower attention spans and more emotional issues in children and adolescents. There doesn’t seem to be much research available on the effects on adults, but I have certainly noticed that written and video content on the Internet seem to be getting shorter in length.
That’s why it’s a good idea to detach yourself from your devices every day and get back to experiencing life. There’s even one day each year specifically targeted to this: National Day of Unplugging, which encourages us to put down our devices for one whole day. Remember life prior to the late 90’s-2000’s, before smartphones and the Internet came into existence? (Ok, well the Internet was around, but it was slow – we had to use *gasp* dial-up! – and it wasn’t the extravaganza of info that it is today.) Our parents and grandparents also got by for decades without a multitude of screens. It was a simpler time, a time for everyone to “do rather than view.”
8 Screen-Free Activities Requiring Zero Technology
So in the spirit of unplugging, here are 8 ideas for fun activities that require absolutely no electronics!
1. Arts and Crafts
A common pastime in summer camps, these handy projects are a fantastic way to get creative juices flowing. If you’re artistically inclined, you can grab some art supplies and paper, and just start drawing, coloring, painting, or whatever suits your fancy. You can sketch something in front of you, or make up something out of your wildest dreams! If you don’t feel comfortable creating from scratch, lots of stores like Michael’s or AC Moore have crafting kits with all the supplies and instructions included.

2. Origami
Origami, or the art of Japanese paper folding, is another great option for creating something beautiful. Basically, you take a square piece of paper and, through a series of simple-to-intricate folding techniques, you form it into a shape reminiscent of an animal or object. Paper cranes are the most well-known origami design, but there are so many options, from land and sea animals to boats to flowers to dinosaurs. You can purchase origami books with full instructions and even specialized paper (it’s exactly square and is colored on one side, allowing for a beautiful effect). I’ve been enjoying this book, full of easy-to-advanced designs, simple instructions, and it comes with origami paper!
I’ve been enjoying this easy origami book! Origami bunny rabbit
3. Puzzles
Puzzles can be a great brain-teaser! You can choose from things like the following:
- word puzzles (e.g., word finds, crosswords, and anagrams)
- number puzzles (e.g., Sudoku)
- jigsaw puzzles
- puzzle books with all sorts of mind games to solve
- physical games like puzzle boxes
- tangrams (you’re given a silhouette and various shapes, and you have to figure out how the shapes go together to create the silhouette)
There are certainly online app versions of lots of these, but I find that I get more satisfaction out of the physical version.

4. Board games or physical games
Hearkening back to the days of our youth with a good old-fashioned game of Sorry, Monopoly, or Battleship can be quite thrilling. Or how about a raucous game of Twister? (Right hand, blue!) And remember when you used to play freeze tag? Well, who says you can’t do that now?? These multi-player games are just the ticket to an afternoon of laughter and fun memories.
5. Learn something new from a book
Even with all the new courses and apps out there, there’s nothing like going back to the basics with a good old-fashioned book. Want to learn about a new subject? How about learning a language? Need some self-help? Check out your local bookstore for a plethora of options. I’ve personally been enjoying these books below, “The Everything Sign Language Book” and “Read & Think French” (newer version available here)!
6. Get outdoors
There are so many wonderful options to do outdoors. You can go for a nice walk, have a picnic in a local park, play all kinds of sports, and a host of other ideas. The great outdoors is there for us to explore and enjoy; we’re not meant to stay inside and stare at a device all day. So get out there, smell the fresh air, clear your head, and get moving!
7. Baking/cooking
Making something yummy in the kitchen can be a great way to do something active and engaging. You can make a tried and true favorite, or you can challenge yourself with a new recipe and/or new cooking technique you’ve never done before. Cooking can also be a great family activity; it can be a romantic activity for couples to do together, or parents can let kids help. When you’re done, you’ll have something scrumptious to share and enjoy.
8. Playing an instrument
If you’re already well-versed in playing any particular musical instrument, take it out for a spin and give your friends or family a little concert. Nothing soothes the soul like good music. If you’re not proficient and it sounds like something you’d enjoy, sign up for some lessons. I’ve always found playing music to be a great activity for both my mind and my fingers (now whether I was any good at it is a whole different story!).
I hope this listing of electronics-free activities inspires you to pick up something old or something new, and run with it – perhaps you’ll rekindle a passion you never knew you had, or discover something new to enjoy! Let’s get back to basics and enjoy some simple “physical” activity!
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