Let’s face it: life can be tough sometimes. Ever feel like you’d love to get away from it all, just go on vacation to a luxurious island where you don’t have a care in the world? Or maybe a trek up to the mountains, where you can enjoy peaceful solitude on a hilltop? If only we could indulge in these fantasies any time the stress of our everyday lives got to be just a bit too much. We could have an instant recharge, a break from the ordinary. Well, we might not have the means or ability to jetset on a whim… However, that does not by any means mean that we can’t indulge in some lovely “me” time or a little “self-cation”! Here are ten simple (and free!) ideas to enjoy some much-needed self-care!
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1. Read a book! Turn this simple and fun activity into a full and blissful experience.

Pick one of your favorites off your shelf: it could be the latest novel that is just starting to pull you in, or it might be a tried-and-true beloved story that you’ve read over and over. Just make sure you pick something that you’re really excited and happy to delve into. (Fiction works a little better for this than non-fiction, in my opinion, but whatever works for you!)
Then find the most luxurious and softest blanket you possess, and the comfiest seat in your home. Whip up a lovely warm beverage, whatever you enjoy best – maybe a piping hot cup of tea with steamed frothed milk on top, an indulgent flavored coffee, or a mug of creamy hot cocoa. Just savor a few moments with your drink, feeling the incredible cozy warmth in your hands, smelling the aroma. Then settle into your seat with your book in one hand, your drink by your side, and the blanket enveloping you in rich splendor. Pretty soon you’ll be on a relaxing mental vacation!
2. Play with your pets! Watch funny or cute animal videos!
Interacting with or watching animals has been proven to reduce anxiety. A 2019 study from Washington State University found that playing with cute dogs and cats for only 10 minutes reduced college students’ level of cortisol (a stress hormone) significantly. Another study published in 2020 from the University of Leeds in England found that viewing images and videos of adorable animals for 30 minutes reduced college students’ anxiety by up to 50%. So if you have a pet, devote some time to simply playing with or petting your furry loved one. Even sitting still and quietly watching them as they sleep, groom themselves, eat, or play can have a calming effect.
Say your pet’s not furry – that doesn’t mean it’s not relaxing to watch! Viewing reptiles or fish as they go about their daily business can be therapeutic simply due to their slow movements or the sound of the water.
If you don’t have a pet, no problem! There are plenty of cute and funny animal videos out there on many zoos’ websites/social media as well as Youtube. The National Zoo in Washington, DC has been putting out clips on its Instagram with the hashtag #NatZooZen, with cute zoo critters peacefully eating a little snack. The Zoo also has lots of videos on its website of the newest panda cub, Xiao Qi Ji, as part of its #PandaStory series. This includes tons of updates on all the pandas that have been born at the Zoo, going back to 2013! Another popular zoo, the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, has a great Youtube channel with plenty of entertaining film of its inhabitants. After a few videos of cute and curious animals doing their thing, you should be feeling much more recharged.
3. Listen to nature sounds!
If you live in the countryside, step outside, take a deep breath or two, and just listen. Maybe you can hear songbirds twittering or crickets chirping. The wind might be whooshing through the trees, or a stream could be flowing nearby. Focus solely on the sounds around you, and enjoy stillness.

If you’re a city-dweller, you’re in luck. Lots of Youtube channels offer footage of nature scenery, complete with all the accompanying sounds. The Silent Watcher is one of my favorites, using 4K video to immerse you in the ambience. I also love this particular video from Rambler Korea of a steady rain falling in a park. Take a few moments and just let the video play. You can close your eyes and just focus on the sounds, or watch the visuals if you find it soothing. Just concentrate on the sound for five minutes. You might be surprised at how relaxed you feel once the five minutes are up.
4. On a similar note, actively listen to music!
Note the word “actively.” Most of the time we may have music on in the background while we’re doing other things. Set aside some uninterrupted time, and turn on some peaceful music. Whether it’s classical, jazz, Broadway show tunes, easy pop, or whatever else you like, focus on the music itself. Try to refrain from doing other things at the same time. If you take the time to simply listen to every note, with 100% of your attention, you can relax into the music; before you know it, a smile may be lighting up your face as you hum to your favorite tune.
5. Find the perfect film and settle in for a movie night at home!
Load up that movie you’ve been dying to see, or select an old favorite. Pop some homemade popcorn using a simple pot with a little oil on the stove, or an old-fashioned air popper if you have one. Sprinkle a little salt on top, mix in a little butter or cheese, or drizzle with a touch of melted dark chocolate. Then dim the lights, settle on the couch or your recliner with a luxurious blanket and your warm bowl of popcorn, and start the flick! Two hours later, you’ll wake up rejuvenated from your mental vacation to a far-off place.
6. Meditate!
Simply sitting still and focusing on being present can be quite freeing. Start with just slow, deep breathing. Focus on the breath as it enters your body, cool and refreshing, and as it exits your body, taking any cares along with it. Then focus your attention on each part of your body, asking yourself to slowly release tension in each particular part as you come to it. A guided meditation can be quite helpful, both if you’ve never meditated before and if you’re a seasoned pro. Meditations can be found on Youtube for free, and with apps like Calm or Headspace. Check out my personal guided Imagination Meditations here!
7. Bake some fresh bread, or put together a charcuterie board!
For many, the act of putting ingredients together and kneading dough can be calming; you simply follow a recipe (no thinking required) and then let your hands get to work. Then there’s nothing like the smell of warm bread wafting through your home. Cut off a thick slice, top with a little butter, and enjoy that taste that reminds you of a loved one’s kitchen.

For a sophisticated touch, try making your own charcuterie board. Just cut tiny slices of fruit, cheese, or meat, and arrange them on crackers. You can work with whatever fruits/cheeses/meats you have already, or plan ahead and purchase new varieties to taste test. Putting together a charcuterie board can make you feel grown-up and refined. Concentrate on the flavors and how they meld together on your tongue. If you truly enjoy what you are eating, a tranquil smile should be spreading its way across your face in no time.
8. Work on a knitting, crochet, or embroidery project!

Activities like these, with a slight repetitive motion, can be quite relaxing. Choose a bit of soft yarn in a color you love and a simple pattern. You can easily do this while listening to music or watching TV. A little while later, you may have a beautiful finished product that you can proudly wear or display.
9. Have a dance party at home!
You could do this solo, with your family, or with friends. Choose your favorite dance music in your music repertoire, or select a radio/app station that strikes your fancy. Turn it up as loud as you like (but not so loud that your neighbors will dislike you), and just dance! You don’t have to use any particular steps or moves. Just move in whatever way your body wants to do. The wilder and crazier, the better – have fun with it! You can even sing along with the music if you like. After a half-hour, you’ll have released a lot of energy, and you’ll likely have a huge smile on your face from laughing so much!
10. Sleep in!
A good night’s sleep is so important to our health: it allows our body and mind to reset for a new day. Make a plan to allow yourself to sleep in one day. Don’t schedule any appointments for that morning. Make it a priority so that things don’t work their way into your calendar and take away that free time. If you’re a parent, perhaps ask a relative to let the kids sleep over. That evening, make sure your alarm is turned off. You can use a sleep mask, earplugs, or white noise if you think you may be woken up too easily. Let your body wake up naturally. You’ll find you feel greatly refreshed after a full night’s sleep.
We all need some time to just relax and let our cares melt away. These easy self-care ideas can all help you do just that. Intersperse a few of these throughout your week or month, any time you need a little relief from the hectic bustle of normal life. Hopefully, this allows you to find a bit of extra peace when it’s needed most. If you enjoy any of these tips already, or if you decide to try out any of these, let me know in the comments below! If you like this content, please subscribe to my weekly email newsletter for new articles to boost wellness and create joy!
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Cover image photo credit: IStockPhoto.com/Ирина Мещерякова (Irina Mesherakova)